Making silicone mask with Lee Walczuk


Making silicone mask with Lee Walczuk

Calco of Renée

Calco of Renée

Calco of Renée

Calco of Renée

Calco of Renée

Mask of child using bandages

Mask of child using bandages

Mask of child using bandages

Mask of child using bandages

Calco of Hans, silicone negative

Calco of Hans, silicone negative

Calco of Hans, silicone negative

Teaching in Malibu


Teaching in Malibu

Schomburg Gallery, april 13-may 11. Juried show with Malibu Art Association


Schomburg Gallery, april 13-may 11. Juried show with Malibu Art Association

Workshop II, Höganäs Studio 2013

milan paunovic

amanda jarlskog

linda jarlskog

monica sparre

dante by monica sparre




Osman Hamdi Bey studied in Paris 1857-1865 with Gerôme. Founded school of fine arts in Istanbul 1883.

Osman Hamdi Bey studied in Paris 1857-1865 with Gerôme. Founded school of fine arts in Istanbul 1883.

Female heads in Istanbul

Female heads in Istanbul

Female heads in Istanbul

Female heads in Istanbul

Portraits delivered of Hanna, Tilda and Emil. Framed by Oscar at "Olle Jönsson och Son", Kulla Gunnarstorp.


Portrait delivered of Hanna

Portrait delivered of Tilda

Portrait delivered of Emil

Dream Come True Junior, Höganäs 2013

